Friday, July 9, 2010

I'm Moving

No, Not to Austin…

Just into a new work area with a different MO,
Mode of Operation, for the acronymically challenged!
I’m one myself, LOL...right??!

No more FB from my favorite chair, so long FB friends!
I was starting to get favorite chair BEHIND!!

BEHIND in my St. Philip support, teenager X2 care, BeBe-keeping, housework, design work, volunteer work, friendfixes and just plain o' everyday creating.
My sewing machine is rusting and my design books are starting to tear away from their bindings when I open them.

You name it, I’m BEHIND!  Can anyone relate??

So if you like reading my silly ramblings…
you’ll have to sign up to follow through email.
Be sure and enter your email in the SUBSCRIBE box…at>>>>>>
AND when it shows up in your email,
just click on the highlighted 7thJoy to get the full effect!

Then remember to Play the Featured Song!!!
It makes it more fun,
Unless of course you are ADHD like me,
READ… then listen!!  or Listen...then READ....or maybe Read, then ReRead, then Listen!!!
See, i told ya!

Au revoir my FBFs…
Please hop in my wagon and join me on this JOYFUL trip!

And Jesus said, “You can tell what they are by what they do” (Matthew 7:16 CEV).

1 comment:

  1. I'm really going to miss you being on my desktop .. and my laptop and just a click away but I do understand completely. Sniff, Sniff.
