Friday, November 2, 2012

With Joy in my Heart....Let the puzzles begin!

Pumpkins packed, candy culled (well...eaten) and cobwebs cleaned out, literally!
Christmas music in its rightful place in the old cabinet…yes I still play CD’s, old girl, no new tricks!

I know, I know, it’s just Thanksgiving time, and I have so very much to be thankful for this year.
St. Philip's not commuting, Boys all good, 3rd Grandbabe on the way and the Old Charlton house is still mine!
God is great! 
Thanking Him for sure that I still have a week or 2 before the Annual 7thJoy Trunk Show…

Let the puzzles begins…looking for just the right piece, like colors and shapes, this goes with that or that with this…I just love a good Christmas puzzle, decorating that is!  What can I do different this year; you know how sometimes you can fit a piece in where it really wasn’t intended to go….but somehow it works?   Well I get overjoyed when that happens! 

 Just a peek of some of our Trunk Show wares.
Joyfully separating all my puzzle pieces, no straight edges here!!!!!!!!!
In God's gracious care, b

Monday, September 17, 2012

Breathing Again...

                                                                                                         Play the music if you please>>>>>>>

I’ll spare you the details, but the Shaw family has come through yet another “transition” with God’s grace!  As if it wasn’t enough to be sending one son off to college, moving the youngest to a new high school, putting the “Old Charlton House” on the market, etc…..
St. Philip is back in town.  No more commuting, hallelujah!  And back to work, Amen!

As I sit quietly in my office, comfychairinthelivingroomwithlaptopanddeanmartinmusac

I am again reminded of God’s provision. Breathing in the quiet of this old house and the gift of setting my own schedule whether work or play, back to my blessed normal!

And of course making my list and checking it twice, but then I realize!

It’s mid-September already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why is it that the month of September always catches me by surprise?  I’m sweating through the summer thinking I have so much time before the fall rush starts, aimlessly sauntering back into a scheduled routine, then bam!  August rushes out the door, September sneaks in and the panic creeps in.
OMgoodness, the holidays are approaching!  Ideas abound, homes need refreshing, the workroom gets busy, appointment book fills…..and so it goes!!

And just in case you were wondering, the 7thJoy Trunk-work has begun as well.  Little tiny creatures have a bold winter coat and wait to be placed on one of our special gifts of the season.


Robin is somewhere near Nova Scotia as I write, on her last hoorah before the hours of joyful creation take over our lives and minds.  

On the road, longest covered bridge in the world... Hartland, New Brunswick
Praying for safe travels for her…for several reasons, but most importantly, I can’t do this thing alone.  Each year, we question our sanity, taking so much on during the holiday season, and each year we spend a couple of spring days discussing whether to commit to another Trunk Show or just commit each other!  
And our crazy selves always come around to the final decision, why not?…Trunk Show it is!

So keep your calendars open Friday November 16th….our tentative, almost certain 7thJoy Trunk Show date!  We can’t wait to share our crazy creations and goings on with you all once more!

Breathing in the Joy, breathing out the panic, B



Tuesday, August 28, 2012

He who sows virtue, reaps honor!

Yesterday was an extra special first day of school day for me.

My youngest set out to begin his junior year without his RIDE…

His older brother is now bittersweetly away at college and he is just a few days away from getting his license and driving his beloved “new to him” Jeep Cherokee. So Heaven help him...Dad resumed drop off duty, but better than the totally uncool option, MOM!

This year he is beyond excited to be attending Tomball Memorial High, playing his sax as part of the roarin’ blue band under the direction of his favorite band director, Mr. Easton! And reunited with some great friends who moved over when the new school opened last year.

We are all anticipating an over the top, full of possibilities year, praying that each step will be directed and blessed by God. This boy deserves it; he has survived the last two with a strength that is mind boggling and a never give up, positive attitude. I can only attribute this perseverance to his faith, determination and God’s constant alongside stance.

Who would have known when I named him…

GARRISON - noun \ˈger-ə-sən \ : a military post; especially: a permanent military installation

That my baby would aspire to become an Army Ranger,

And be a young man who loves his God and his country without reservation.

His favorite quote…. He who sows virtue, reaps honor - Leonardo Davinci


I am in awesome love with this boy…looking forward to the next 2 years with just him. Knowing now that when it’s his turn to leave the nest, I’ll be joyfull and beyond proud! B

And to push joy over the top, another special 5 year old in my life started kindergarten...Is he not the most handsomely precious boy you've ever seen???

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Simply Significant Art…..

Have you often wondered…Where can I find something different to use as artwork; something I don’t see in everyone else’s home, a piece that I will love for a long time if not forever???  But also won’t break the bank!!  Well, I’d like to help you!
As a Home Stylist in Tomball, Texas I run across this issue often.  Unlike many years ago, there is truly an abundance of beautiful artwork available to us now.  But I work for some great clients who find that spending hundreds of dollars on one piece of artwork, either doesn’t fit in their budget or their design psyche.   A challenge I relish…finding beautiful options that leave money for more important things!
Number 1 on my list, Travel Art!  Here, a couple of small water colors by an obscure artist discovered in the square of New Orleans on a trip gifted me by a dear friend for my 50th  birthday.  Thanks Shelly!

One is just the perfect example of architecture along the streets of Orleans, the other a beautiful interpretation of Oak Alley, a glorious plantation home surrounded by 300 year old oaks.
They are simply framed and given a prominent home near my front door.  I grouped them with another altered photo print from a very interesting, leather skinned artist I met in the central market while visiting Santa Fe with St. Philip.   They are similarly framed and the continuity in color and subject matter make them great companions!

Option 2, Kid Art.  Your children’s creativity can be a wonderful addition to any room, reminiscent of the masters!  Both my boys had an art teacher in elementary school that used the masters as inspiration for her classroom.  I just cherish their work, priceless!

3rdly, Collected Objects.  Whether it be special cards, linens, programs, old music sheets, whatever you adore….frame it!  If it says something to you, about you or for you, it will make great art.  I.E.

I will never tire of these; they welcome guests, warm my space, and make for great conversation.  But best of all, they constantly remind me of the lovefull memories and blessings that fill my heart. 

A picture is worth a thousand words… 
     Your home is a reflection of you...
   You are what you hang….oh never mind, wrong verb!

Anyway, just open your eyes to the possibilities! What can you frame that means something to you and yours? And like I said, leave money in the budget for more important things, like making more memories! Hanging Joy! B

By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches. Proverbs 24:3-4

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

444 days without…

How I lived four hundred and forty four days without a master bathroom and St. Philip lived to tell about it!  Only kidding,
 just not about the FOUR HUNDRED AND FORTY FOUR DAYS! 

It was Spring Break 2011 when the demolition started, and according to St. Philip’s construction plans, should only take a few short months!
Lovely Green on Green Tile.....and this is a good angle!

Our first bet was he would finish by mid-summer,
Remember last summer.....not sure I want to either!

Which turned into,, by the 2011 7thJoy Trunk Show,
Over and zone hidden with fabric flower pins!

And finally,,, by the one year mark, Spring Break 2012
A light at the end of the tunnel all the way from Scotland!!!!

Missing the last by a mere 79 days... I have a new Master Bath!  As you might have guessed, he finished the day before Cameron’s Graduation Party.  Do we women always have to have a party to get our husbands on task?

Did I say 444 days later?  OK, sorry, I have promised him not to mention it again…but only because I am so excited with the handsome results.

Giving him some much needed understanding, he did struggle through 50 year old cement bed and wire mesh tile removal; which literally almost did in our helpful, but bull-of-the-woods brother-in-law!  Followed by removal of severely water damaged sub floor and replacement of rotting and insufficient floor joists…Then rerouting ancient plumbing (50+yrs, yes I know), rewiring, and insulating where there was none which would be everywhere!  Whew, but no surprise when you own a home this old!  A year into it, commuting all the while, he finally broke down and hired a little of the work done. 
 Thank the Lord!  Can you imagine 888 days?

Well anyway, I love it & him for never backing away from a 44#oops day challenge!  And just in time to put the house on the market.  Anyone know someone who wants to invest in an old historical home in Tomball?   It’s a real looker!  At least I think so!!!

The Old Charlton House, Tomball Texas 1940-2012
Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.  James 1:2-4
Joyfully showering without climbing the stairs!  b

Monday, June 4, 2012

Graduated Boy!

Have you ever been writing (imagine pen & paper) with your fingers so tight on the pen that your hand goes numb?  Well, that’s how I get sometimes in life….bearing down so hard on my list, that I lose all feeling!

Oh I’m still here, just battling with a bit more than numb fingers & not much to share!

But nothing like sitting on the passenger side of a car with an hour old graduated senior, headed back from ceremonial college station, full of excitement and anticipation for the unfamiliar road ahead, to wake up every last nerve ending, including the numb fingers of a 54 year old mother’s body! 

Let’s just say….I realized on our hour long, heart palpitating trip, that every time in the last several months when I have been bearing down, feeling uninspired and wondering where God was when I needed him...He’d been a l i t t l e busy!  Riding in that same passenger seat with my boy!!!

I know this because, & I hate to even speak it, that boy has a perfect driving record!


Now seriously, this boy of mine is close to perfect in every other way!  He is extremely smart (got that from St. Philip), unbelievably moral (Father God), dedicated, honest, humble and kind.  He has a positive attitude, a joyful soul and it shines through his smile and his musical talent (again Father God)!  I’ll only take credit for his blue eyes!

He has been a joy to raise…and only just recently realized that he has a voice! Although he sings too, I’m not talking about singing.  Much to my surprise, he began to talk back a little around April 15th, when he turned 18!  Considering myself way blessed!

His future plans, double majoring in Music (his passion) and Biology (his parents pleading) at Sam Houston State University!  He wants to be a band director...commendable, and so worthwhile!
I can see him being an awesome teacher and mentor to thousands of kids in his future. 
His plan B, orthopedic surgeon…selfishly, I keep reminding him that the arts may be short live in the public school system, so just in case!
~Please pray for his life to be fulfilling either way~
Congratulations Cameron Abbott Shaw!

A proud day for the Shaw family…just one more to go!  And not a gray hair or numb finger wasted!  Not so joyfully cleaning up after the party! 

But joy full, in God’s gracious care, b

Just imagine Joy Williams singing Hold on to Every Moment!
or click and come back!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My Gray Coat, A Gift from Mom!

I made a decision last year to stop coloring my hair…partly because I was just tired of spending the money and partly because I wanted to look like Emmy Lou Harris!  Ha!

As the story goes, I first started coloring my hair in my early 30’s…because a beloved beautiful boxed blonde friend pointed out a few of my gray hairs and told me I’d look stunning as a red head!  Much to my surprise, it looked pretty darn good and St. Philip just happened to fall in love with me that way.    Fast forward 20 years or so… And as you might have guessed, as many colors later, some out of a box and some at the hands of great and not so great stylists, I was just done!!!

And now my coat is just one color.  We’ll call it Natural Platinum or Soft Silver!  No gloves or harsh chemicals necessary, just something I happily inherited from my mother with the same coat.   Albeit a bit premature, I have to admit that in the past year I’ve been mistaken for her sister a few too many times.  I just chalk it up to the fact that my Mom looks VERY young for her age!
Sometimes I take it to my sensitive heart, but most of the time I am able to laugh and thank God because I have earned every single strand.  Believe me I know that my silver is not the only characteristic I take from my precious Mom.   In addition I received her strength, her stamina, her determination, her compassion and her love for her children.   That’s not to say that all our likenesses are desirable, no need to mention hardheadedness or perfectionism.   But she, as I, lived through some very difficult earlier days and made a few mistakes on her journey, so the lessons learned from those missteps lead her right where she stands today… 
Steadfastly, beautifully gray and graytful for God’s love and grayce! 
I joyfully call her my mother, my coat maker, my friend...and even my Sister!   B 
So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’  For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.  But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  Matthew 6:31-33 (NIV)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

This little light of mine....

I had the pleasure of hosting my tiny Quinn’s 2nd birthday party this weekend!

 Couldn’t wait to show you the fun we had.  I am an overflowingly proud Bebe!

She was the highness of the day, walking around seemingly more than just 2.  It is so interesting to watch a tiny girl growing in comparison to rough and tumble boys.  She was adorable to say the least.  Her beautiful Mom made her birthday frock and awesome food for all , then gave me decorating carte blanche.  Michelle was so sweet to let me gush and do, since I’ve never had the chance to pink it up before!
Dad procured a bouncy castle for all the little ones to burn off energy and God provided gorgeous weather for all to enjoy a January afternoon outside!

Love & Light  X 1000 
Children are just a reminder of God’s Love and Light.

Lately when Quinn walks in my door, she runs to me and calls my name. 
I have to admit sweeping her up in my arms is one of the best feelings ever. 
Makes me realize what God must feel when His children run to Him & call His name!  

The name of the Lord is a strong fortress; the godly run to him and are safe.
Proverbs 18:10 NLT
Just think of it and remind yourself how much you are blessedly loved!
Shine in  His arms!
Joyfully shining, b

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christmas memories….wishing they took longer to create!

Even though I’ve been Chrismtasing since mid-November, what with the 7thJoy Trunk Show and all, I never get tired of the warmth that flows through the house and everywhere this time of year.

This year was no different than many years past.  The beautiful routine of family traditions…tree picking and decorating (our frazier fir is still thriving…can’t bear to take it down).

Christmas Eve church with family and the celebration of my beautiful Mom’s birthday.

One gift on Christmas Eve, holiday PJ’s!
Late to bed…then early Christmas morning wake-up
(teenagers can get up early when they want!).

And the best of all, newly created since the birth of grandbugs… breakfast after Santa, at Bebe’s house!!!  I love that my son and his little family live just a stone’s throw away, close enough to have time for this before we all retreat to clean up the paper and head to Nonny’s for Christmas Day festivities! 

Silly Boys....
It’s a blurry whirlwind by the time it’s all done, but a wondrous whirlwind none the less!

Again I am reminded of the blessings I hold.  A family full!  A home to warm, healthy children and family to share it with, and a God who makes it possible….it’s just too much to behold at times!

Thanking God for a blessed 2011 and wishing you all a joyfully abundant 2012!

Stepping into the new year, hoping for new thoughts worth a blog, looking for beautiful inspiration to share, celebrating my awesome graduating senior and the list just goes on and on...You see, there is always something to look forward to! 


And to start the year off right, I'm cleaning house and the shop.....
Join us for our 7thJoy Sidedoor Sale this Saturday! 
Check out the Joy Shared Page for details as RSVP's are required!