Monday, November 27, 2017

The longest Christmas Trunk Show invite ever!!!

OK, The kitchen sink is overflowing, so I’m taking a leap of faith that
#1 I can stop working long enough to be ready!
#2 My faithful friends and clients are willing!!
#3 Friday December 1st will still seem like November!!!
The last being the most likely, because time flies during this beautiful season.
So here you go…

B’s Everything But The Kitchen Sink Christmas Trunk Show
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1:00-8:00 p.m.

Show is invitation only, via GraceReclaimed, Personal Evite and of course Facebook!
If you are a friend, follower, client…you are always most welcomed and guests are great!
Please, no advance shopping requests or early arrivals, because if you know me…I’m readying until the very last minute (embarrassing grin!)
I hope to see your God Blessed faces Friday, whenever you can make it!
If you care to read on, the following is a bit more detail about how the show works and what will be different this year!
2017 has been a year of cleansing around here and this show will continue that process!   
Thinking this year’s show will be my last, maybe?!
So, most everything that will be for sale will be priced to go and include new and past items of GraceReclaimed’s or Belinda Abbott-Shaw Designs collections. 
Christmas Dressings and Gifts as well as Design Décor Art and Accessories. 
Just about everything but the kitchen sink, thus the Trunk Show theme!
Due to the nature of my Trunk Shows, as you know if you’ve attended before, it can get a bit crazy! 
So I’ll be trying something new!
We always work a bit on the honor system, but this year you can Self Check!
As usual, you gather items with price tags that you wish to buy (no hoarding please!)
You will be provided an envelope and pen to write down your items and insert your price tags. You will tally on the envelope, carry to my favorite check out friends, and they will verify and take your payment. 
And as much as I hate to ask this…you will be in charge of getting your things to your car without benefit of our wrapping and bagging.  I will have some tissue and bags on hand for your handling.  Thank you for understanding!
Don’t forget this is a Cash/Check and carry show! 
Thank you for reading and I so hope to see you for
this Catching up, Champagne Clinking, Cleansing Shopping event! 
 Christmas Peace and Gracefull Cheers, B

Monday, November 6, 2017

Hello, it's me B....

~To see the full blog, please click here~

I’ve been thinking about you guys so much and this post for a while…How do I just show up with a smile and a full heart and not apologize for the absence or intrusion, whatever shape it takes?!  An explanation would most definitely be more than anyone needs to hear, so I’m just going to say how much I’ve missed this creative blogging/journaling part of my life and how very much I pray that some of you are still out there and interested in hearing of
my life routine, forgetting, then joyfully reclaiming the wondrous gift of His Grace!

After much ado, it's hard to believe it was over a year ago, I wrote something like this….

So just in case I make it over that creative mountain, I’m planning my GraceReclaimed “Just B’s Everything but the Christmas Kitchen Sink” Trunk Show for November 12, 2016.   Pencil me in please. Snippets and sneak peeks to follow…

You cannot go back and make a brand new beginning, but you can start now and make a brand new ending!  I love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So let the process begin.

A long heart draining and reflective year behind me, the beautiful season of Christmas ahead, I’m pulling up my wide calf winter boot straps and preparing to host my annual trunk show sometime in November.   It’s a very noncommittal date I know, but you know how Novembers go (smile!).   So I’ll keep you posted of course and hopefully I’ll see all of your smiling loving heart full faces soon and we can catch up!!
In His constant regardless of me Grace, B