One of my favorite things in B’s wishful, when I have the time garden is my bicycle! She's old, not sure exactly how… the seat is worn, obviously… her tires are flat, from going nowhere… and the old girl's basket is loose, maybe a bit overused. Yet it still gives me pleasure just thinking about where it might have come from and where it’s been. Thinking of who it carried and how many trips around the block it’s made. Someone was so excited to get her and yet probably didn’t think anything about letting her go. Sometimes life is just that way!
When my sweet St. Philip bought it for me, it was used, but bright and clean with a new coat of white paint, because someone had found it and saw its potential. Funny, how everyone sees things in different ways. Some can walk away from something used and others find it a treasure, no matter its condition. They know with a little forgiving love and care, it will make them happy to have it!
I’m so thankful that St. Philip saw me that way many years ago and that My God always looks at me that way. No matter how many mistakes I make, no matter how tattered I am when I turn to him, he sees me as worth saving!
So, now this beautiful but rusty “old” bicycle sits in my garden surrounded by fragrant jasmine in the springtime, reminding me of how special something can become if it is covered by grace and the awesome fragrance of forgiveness!
Standing the rusty yet JOYFUL test of time a little like me, b
One of the most heartfelt things I've ever read. It really touched me. Sounds like true love to me. JoAnn V.