Monday, July 19, 2010

Status...Little White Wagon Progress

I had hoped to work on a project each week
and share my progress with my little white wagon of followers, but as usual, I am….
no, Not BEHIND…

Just procrastinating a bit!
Well, O.K., A Lot!!
The best laid plans of a 50something creative spirit!!!

This past week, I had every intention of changing my extra room, at present only used for 7thJoy Trunk Show display and accessory storage, into a new creative space! Starting with a fresh and inspirational coat of paint...but I can’t seem to decide if that is really what I want to do. And if so, what color will make me the absolutely most creative? Should it be Hunter’s White, Gilded Linen, Earthy Cane or Woodlawn Sterling Blue?? So many choices, so little decisiveness!


Sometimes, at this age, I feel like a child with attention deficit in a candy store, who ate an entire box of hot tamales on the way…
Too many confections, too many distractions, is it hot in here??
Putting off my decision because I’m afraid I’ll change my mind before I get the first morsel in my mouth, or in this case brush stroke on the wall…
Then I remind myself,
as I have been known to tell my clients, don’t stress, It is ONLY Paint!

What’s holding me back? I’m just not sure, so in my indecision, I chose to clean out my sewing "box" or closet as most people would call it! Yes, I sew in the hall closet! It’s really not as bad as it sounds. And sometimes it's a great hiding place.  When it is organized, it’s quite workable and I find that I make less of a mess if I am confined to a small organized space. Dr. Carl Karr’s (our Pediatrician)
 #1 tip for coping with an ADHD child or creative ADHD B, as is the case!
So….Ta Da!
My tiny little organized work box!
Tomorrow… finish up some pending client projects…Wednesday… PAINT!
The Joy of organization is inspirational...

Monday, July 12, 2010

7thJoy Blogett of the day!!!

Thanks to all my family and great friends for making last week a great birthday week!
My St. Philip for tickets to see Sara Hickman in concert!
My Mom, for making me the first birthday cake I've had in a long time!
My Sis and her annual funny-but-not birthday cards~
QueenP for breakfast and an almost private movie viewing, darn those crashers!
Melanie, you're too kind!  Flowers at my door, the sweet surprise of the day!
All the personal notes, calls and special emails!
My dear daughter-in-law for making me a personalized cake version of my favorite candy bar!
And the most precious of all, my little man Jackson singing happy birthday to his BeBe last night!
A special week it was!
Yours, in God's gracious care, And ever-loving, Wife, Friend, Mother, BeBe or Just B

And not forgetting, Darlene at for my own personal birthday blog!!!
Now I may go down in history as part of DRH.....lyb

7thJoy WorkBox

Thanks so much for jumping on the 7thJoy Wagon and following me here!!
July 12, 2010 STATUS…Back on track and into a new creative direction!

As I celebrated my birthday, I decided it was time for a change!
I love change; in fact I have gotten quite used to it in the past 53 years.
Oh the stories I could tell, but that’s another blog altogether!!
I’ve realized there hasn’t been much, if any, change around here of late!
Not of my own making, anyway!
Well, get ready, here comes my version of change!

Changing direction, changing colors, changing B

And I figured, if I said it to all of you, I’d be forced to make it!
Don’t you love accountability??

So now it’s just me, my little wagon of ideas & determination…
And you, my friends, to share them with!!
The only Ville I’ll be working on is the one I share with two messy teenagers and the continuously transient St. Philip. If you’re game, I’d love your company as I bejewel my new workspace, preparing for my journey back to creativity. And along the way as I post & share the changes, of course your comments will make the journey that much more rewarding! Plus I’ll know you’re still holding on and haven’t fallen off the wagon.

It should be an interesting trip, hope my tires have a few more miles on them!
Only JOY to Follow! b

From the fruit of her lips a woman is filled with good things as surely as the work of her hands rewards her.
Proverbs 12:14 NIV

Except of course to BLOG....

Friday, July 9, 2010

I'm Moving

No, Not to Austin…

Just into a new work area with a different MO,
Mode of Operation, for the acronymically challenged!
I’m one myself, LOL...right??!

No more FB from my favorite chair, so long FB friends!
I was starting to get favorite chair BEHIND!!

BEHIND in my St. Philip support, teenager X2 care, BeBe-keeping, housework, design work, volunteer work, friendfixes and just plain o' everyday creating.
My sewing machine is rusting and my design books are starting to tear away from their bindings when I open them.

You name it, I’m BEHIND!  Can anyone relate??

So if you like reading my silly ramblings…
you’ll have to sign up to follow through email.
Be sure and enter your email in the SUBSCRIBE box…at>>>>>>
AND when it shows up in your email,
just click on the highlighted 7thJoy to get the full effect!

Then remember to Play the Featured Song!!!
It makes it more fun,
Unless of course you are ADHD like me,
READ… then listen!!  or Listen...then READ....or maybe Read, then ReRead, then Listen!!!
See, i told ya!

Au revoir my FBFs…
Please hop in my wagon and join me on this JOYFUL trip!

And Jesus said, “You can tell what they are by what they do” (Matthew 7:16 CEV).

Sunday, July 4, 2010

My country, 'tis of thee,

sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing;
land where my fathers died,
land of the pilgrims' pride,
from every mountainside let freedom ring!

My native country, thee,
land of the noble free, thy name I love;
I love thy rocks and rills,
thy woods and templed hills;
my heart with rapture thrills, like that above.

Let music swell the breeze,
and ring from all the trees sweet freedom's song;
let mortal tongues awake;
let all that breathe partake;
let rocks their silence break, the sound prolong.

Our fathers' God, to thee,
author of liberty, to thee we sing;
long may our land be bright
with freedom's holy light;
protect us by thy might, great God, our King.

Samual Francis Smith 1831

May we all celebrate this great country today, remembering what we believed it to be in the past, what we love about it now and what we hope it will become again! Let’s do so on our knees, heads bowed & hands folded!

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope." 
 Romans 15:13

Hope for our country, hope for our families,
and hope for freedom's holy light to return!

Just B