Saturday, December 14, 2013

Magically Musical Waltzing Trees....

It all started with the GraceReclaimed Sale,
Having the tree up was a must!!
 Although a little naked, it was a good thing, because we were overflowing and checkout ended up in the living room!  MY sweet clients were very patient; some even strolled through the dining room and study just to get a peek…
OK by me, they were waiting to buy stuff and I needed some “stuff” gone!  
Good thing I had at least thrown up a little Christmas,
Just not my usual, sigh!
After the Sale, this girl was crying for some attention and my sweet little ones did a wonderful job last weekendWhat I didn’t have the heart to tell them was she really needed more lights!  Sooo, after they left I undressed her to add some strands...
Three tries and a fit or two later (not made in USA), she was glowing!  Then I carefully redressed her with each ornament “exactly” where Jackson & Quinn put it originally (just a tiny white magical fib).

With a few added ribbons,

Until St. Philip suggested it was time to get our “REAL” tree.  Christmas just isn’t Christmas without our live frazier fir.  Well, as the helper said at Lowe’s, you’re kind of late!  All the 8’ were gone, but we found the perfect 10’…..a little trim later and it was dubbed, the BEST TREE EVER by St. Philip! 
Not to mention, waltzing the flocked girl to the dining room, her new home! 
 Thus the magical musical waltzing trees….but our home is always filled with music and shuffling of some kind!
The frazier fur got a quick outfit of amber lights with white glistening mesh and a homemade garland of old hymnal Psalms (b~love). 
Cameron and Kelley came home last night for a quick visit before she heads home for the holidays.  They did the honors of hanging his keepsake soldiers, now I just have to slow Garrison down enough to add his snowman army!!  And who knows, if I’m lucky my little elves may be back for a stay and finish it off with a few of their dad’s train collection.
So I tend to agree with St. Philip, it probably is THE BEST TREE EVER!

Oh yeah, Speaking of music, the perfect fun for grandbugs....Mr. Christmas~!
(I got him for a steal last year after Christmas at Home Depot, just 9.99)
 He conducts the music and puts on a light show at the request of kids, young & old!
Gracefully glad the tree is trees are finally dressed!  B

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


A little Lad and Lass showed up this weekend…
to stay with me! 

 After our usual breakfast at Spuddy’s Donut Diner, I had some much needed help decking my halls, well...

my tree, anyway!!! 

A little fun and silliness,
a little ornament hoarding
just a little BeBe fa la la!

And she’s done! 
Then we were off to an Incredible Pizza Birthday Party for more merry making….

 Whew!!!!! I can’t think of a better way to spend a cold and rainy Saturday, than with the population of Conroe at a sticky floored, buffet aroma(ed), ticket giving game venue.  Just waiting in the line to get our spider ring and hand clappers was a blast!  All sarcasm aside, we enjoyed watching them have fun!!  Nothing better….
Add to that some gay apparel posing, blazing yules, a little robot coloring, hello kitty purse making, and you’ve got the Yuletide Treasure of a Jolly Grand weekend!  
Oh yeah, we saw Frozen....adorable with a big ole A!
 What did I do before them?


Now, on to the rest of the fa la la ing!
 This week’s list:
    1. Finish Decorating and uh, clean…….
    2. GraceReclaimed SideDoor Sale Friday Night
    (if  it’s not raining)
    3. Shop….oh good gracious, I’ve only just begun!
    4. Bake (It’s always on my list, just never happens!) 1. Pray and Enjoy every minute of it!
Remember, Live in the moment;
each and every one enjoy, cherish and be thankful for!
(Sticky floors and all) 
So many others are not making lists or even thinking of baking, shopping or planning time with loved ones…They are just trying to get through a day, an illness, or even something more tragic! 
So please keep them in your prayers, lift them up and be thankful, giving and gracious! 
Especially a little boy named Bryce, please pray for a miracle, God knows the one..... 
1Timothy 2:1 ESV
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people,  
Graciously thankful for healthy grandchildren
and prayerfull, B

Friday, December 6, 2013

A 21 year old Christmas Miracle....

Today on our anniversary I am celebrating what I truly believe to be a miracle.  I know with all my heart, God handpicked my husband and placed him in my life.  
And if you knew my life before St. Philip, you would know that it was a true miracle.   There is no other explanation! 
I won’t go into the entire story of how we came to be, saving that for my book! 
 But here’s the short abridged version.
  A hardworking single mom to a 9 year old boy, quits a frustrating job with no notice, no backup plan, miraculously gets a referral for a job, replacing a sweet lady taking maternity leave who happens to become a friend/deco client (my “endsmeet” job back then), who also happens to know a sweet “aggie” bachelor guy who is building his own 1 bedroom farmhouse on 7 acres and might need a little design direction, leading to a blind date, followed by a little persistence on his part, me being a bit guarded ….Fast forward one year later, a few walls strategically moved and an upstairs opened up to include a room for a young boy in need of a Dad….
and there you have it! 
I married the Saint on what became “our farmhouse porch" on a cold but glorious winter day in December.

He was really just too young to know better!
21 years….unbelievable! A Saint, he is, in my eyes anyway, because no one else, and I repeat NO ONE else could put up with me!  He is truly the most giving, caring and selfless person I have ever known.  I am just blown over when I simply think of how much God must have loved me, to place Philip in my life.  I’m still trying to figure out what God was thinking for Philip….Lordy, he’s been tested and proven many times over.  But then he would tell you, he is exactly where God meant him to be and loves me all the same….You see, a miracle!
Happy Anniversary St. Philip…..P.S. I love you!

 And now to dress this girl and the rest of the house, finally feeling better and just in time for a fun weekend with the little ones, they’ll be here just in time to help!
May you have a graciously warm and merry miracle day like me, b

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Christmas Deco Cheer and thank you one and all!

GraceReclaimed Tag Sale behind me…
I’m a little under the weather, but feeling so very blessed! 
I cannot thank you ladies enough for stopping by and spending some time with me,
my Mom and my lifesaver friend, Carolyn. 
It was great to see each of you!  Heaven only knows what I’d do without you
beautiful & loyal friends and clients,
most especially at Christmas Time!!  

I so appreciate your graciousness in helping me make a little room around here….    
Now I can start pulling out the Shaw House Christmas “stuff” , albeit a little later than usual this year. 
But first a couple of stops to spread Christmas Deco Cheer
at some favorite clients’ homes
and of course Mom’s place (I owe her for sure!).
Thanksgiving with some of Mom's girls....
A few pictures from the tag sale! 

 If you couldn’t make the sale and plan on enjoying the
I'll be opening the shop for just a bit on Friday evening if  you want to stop for a visit!
And if I don't see you...
May you all have a calm, peaceful and loving season,
with the focus being God's precious Gift to us all!
Feeling better just remembering you!
Filled with Grace and Mucinex , B

Thursday, November 28, 2013

3rd Time's A Charm GraceReclaimed Tag Sale!!!

Ok, everyone, you’ve spoken, I’ve listened!
 Sorry Peggy, but call me when you're home, we'll work something out!
No Black Friday, but how about a Sunny Saturday…can I get an AMEN?
I’m opening up my little GraceReclaimed SideDoor Shop
Saturday Nov 30th from 10-1. 
Excited that many of you have been patient with me and still want to shop!
 Remember, Cash and Carry....
So avoid the crowds
Stop by for some sunshine, shopping and sweet treats!

Please R.S.V.P by Email or by Commenting on this Blog Post!! 
Hope to see you all!
Most appreciatively, b
Gift winners are…
Mrs. Peggy Collins(stop by when you can!)
  Mrs. Shelly Meyer, (hoping you can find a Taxi!)

Graciously Blessed and Greatful...

I am blessed today to be spending Thanksgiving at my Mom and Dad’s home with many of our extended family.
Yes it’s a little crowded, a little wild and a little loud,
but in that quiet moment just before our meal begins,
 the day’s true meaning sets in. 
As my Dad speaks to God for us all,
thanking Him for all He has given
and asking His blessings on each of us;
I am reminded what I am truly thankful for.  
It is a family of wonderfully different people,
 living in different places, walking different paths,
 loving each other in different ways,
but loving none the less! 
A gift that I have learned never to take for granted!

 On Thanksgiving Day and Always,
May the Lord bless you and keep you;
May the Lord be kind and gracious to you; May the Lord look on you with favor and give you peace.  Numbers 6:24~26
Most sincerely and In His gracious care, Belinda
P.S.  Happy Birthday to my sweet St. Philip!!
P.P.S.   GraceReclaimed Sale….Saturday, Nov 30th, 10-1
              Invite and gift winners announcement to follow…

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

DARE I Cry Sale One More Time!!!

Thinking, thinking, thinking…
Open, Open, Open…
Maybe, Maybe, Maybe….

I’m cleaning up after my GR Pity Party, well not really...
 I’ve had a lot of distractions; when it rains, it pours! 
Client work to get done before Thanksgiving,
Leaking roof (a new spot),
Teenager with a car not running,
and still, all this stuff to find a place for!!
Since my GraceReclaimed SideDoor Shop is overflowing
 and the weatherman says sun is coming; 
the end of the week is supposed to be beautiful.  
I've been thinking about yelling Sale one more time!!

Any shoppers out there? 
Let me know which day you’d prefer! 
Comment on the blog, so I’ll know what day works! 
And because I'm counting my blessings, so thankful for all of you loyal clients and followers, I’m giving gifts away to:
One NEW GraceReclaimed blog follower!
One commenter on the GraceReclaimed blog!
And one commenter on the GraceReclaimed Post on facebook!
Then I’ll cry SALE one more time and look forward to seeing you all!
Who knows, I might even talk my friends and cohorts into dragging their stuff over as well!
Just call me gracefully crazy, b

Sunday, November 24, 2013

12 Days of GraceReclaimed ~13th, Don't even say it!

On the 13th day of GraceReclaimed,
St. Philip Darlene said to me
(good thing DRH is not in slapping reach, just kidding!)
The sun is shining!
As I place my hands are over my ears and begin to hummmm!
While I try to find a place for all this STUFF!!
And as I seriously begin to consider a
Black Friday Sale on Epps!!!
Not Funny!  Not Funny at All!
Yes the sun is shining, God is funny like that!
And as sad as I was to have to cancel the Tag Sale, my spirits were so lifted by all the sweet friends who shared in my disappointment, and who promised to show if we reschedule!
And now I'm so used to this almost daily blogging, you can't get rid of me!
Back to shuffling Stuff!
Ya'll have a blessing filled Thanksgiving and stay tuned!
In God's most gracious and funny care, B

Saturday, November 23, 2013

12 Days of GraceReclaimed~12th day, CANCELLATION DAY, no tag sale! I’m so sad!

 On the 12th day of Grace Recalimed…St. Philip said to me,  You can always reschedule!!!
I know, but that will be the third time.  First it was scheduled for the 16th, then the 23rd /24th pick a day any day....
Third time’s the charm and all , but I’m starting to feel like the girl who cried Sale!  I’ll have to really think about it…..
With that said, we bundled up and went with our two 2  boys~their girls and our sweet grandchildren to watch our baby boy march in his last Tomball Holiday Parade!

 Tyler's ears were cold!!!
Cameron made us breakfast before we headed down...secret recipe eggs and biscuits, yum!
Precious three, before hot chocolate...Sawyer wasn't quite sure what to think!
 Roarin' Blue Band
Garrison....a little out of dress code with his 10a.m. shadow!
We're going to miss this part!
So all of you GraceReclaimed followers and tag sale shoppers, KEEP YOUR EARS OPEN,
cause this girl might just cry SALE
 one more time !!!!
Black Friday on Epps anyone???
The weather forecast is great...not so sure I'm believing it!
Cancelled but not giving up gracefully, b

Friday, November 22, 2013

12 Days of GraceReclaimed~10th&11th, Yes it is RAINING, BUT!!

On the 10th   and 11th day of GraceReclaimed, It is raining and St. Philip is being very quiet!
You see, he knows me well.  And the dreary weather forecast, the house full of stuff, the commitment to friends participating and to you my friends and guests for a great Tag Sale is getting a little stressfull………………………!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was so hoping for a beautiful November day (what was I thinking, AlFresco?) but it’s not happening; what IS happening… the Tag Sale is moving to Sunday! 
The sun is supposed to peek out and yes it will be chilly, but I say it will be ideal holiday shopping weather! Don’t you just hate it, when you have to wear shorts and flip flops to Christmas shop!  So put on your boots and that beautiful winter coat you almost never get to wear in Texas, cause God is turning the air down!!! Yay!




   And speaking of Christmas shopping, have you made your wish list???
Peek of the day!   


If the rain stops for a bit, we'll be out with grace and bells on!
But stay tuned....hoping not to have to change the date again;
I've got to clear my house for upcoming celebrations and Christmas decorating,
so I'm determined to have this GraceReclaimed Sale!!!
My Christmas Wish list starts with a beautiful day to share with friends!
And my prayer is that you all will bear with me...
A little damp but trying to be gracefully thankful for rain, 

P.S.  In the midst of all this stress, I wanted to share something I am so thankful for...
last night, spent with great friends, Shelly & Duane,
enjoying a
Songtelling Night at Main Street Crossing in Tomball 
Featuring Kevin Welch, beautiful singer songwriter...
just too good for words!


If you are looking for something different and fun to do, this is it.  Happens every third Thursday of the month with a different talented artist each time. 
Come join us! I highly recommend it!!

Sorry for the long extended post, but this is great reading weather isn't it!!