Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Unnecessary Worry....

I can’t believe it is November…and I left the house yesterday without a Christmas CD in my car! OK, ok, it’s a bit early, but as you know, my favorite season is upon us. And I consider it my overanxious, Christmas anticipating right to play the music I love as soon as it becomes “almost seasonally acceptable”. Off again today to work on our much too close 7thJoy Trunk Show projects….caught up in the urgency of the jobs at hand and the many things left to be done, I’m worrying unnecessarily and neglecting the things that make me smile!!

So I’m stopping today to rest in the moment and share with you, my friends, something we all need to remember or attempt to live by.

Daniel 10:19 says "God loves you, so don't let anything worry you or frighten you." That's a comfort to me. When I don't have to worry or be afraid of anything, then I am free to give love to everyone around me.

The best advice, I know, but so hard to follow! We all do it, worry, unnecessary fretting over things we cannot change or time spent thinking about what to do with something that is out of our hands…or should be!  I’m just sayin’, that when I am able to truly give it up, it is almost funny how the “thing” that worries me becomes smaller and smaller as I focus on loving the ones around me. And unlike last year at this time, my worries pale in comparison to most, thank Goodness!

I have so many friends and loved ones around me that are worrying, and NOT unnecessarily!

So this is my reminder to myself and all of you; slow down, remember God loves you, do not worry or be frightened… And as impossible as it may be to unclasp our hands and let him take it from us; it is the only way our hands are free to hold on to each other. You see, it is working already!

No matter the season you are in, may today be the day that you feel the comforting hands of God and the joyful hand of a friend in yours! B

p.s. Christmas music helps as well! Try It! I'ts almost time.....

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