Raveling threads, have you ever noticed that once they start, there seems to be no end? You keep trying to stop it, but the harder you try, the more it continues. That’s why I always have my scissors handy, just cut the thread off, before it gets out of control…
Feelings are much the same, I’d say. We all have them, you know, slighty loose, a tiny bit frayed. Especially the ones that are just a little too close to the surface and then one quick brush against something, loosens it even more and it begins; a rush of unraveling and the more you try to grab hold and stop it, pull it back, put it all back in place, it’s futile! And then you realize, all the unraveled feelings that you have tried to keep inside, lay out for the world to see! Good thing Mom always said “wear your best undies” …wouldn’t want anyone to see anything ugly underneath!
But it’s just those feelings that make us who we are, not torn and tattered, but worn and strengthened by the wear! Maybe some of the unraveling is God’s way of exposing the JOY inside, the beautiful things that have made us who we are, as well as the ugly ones that have made us who only HE knew we could be!
Sometimes it’s good to just let yourself unravel, let the threads go; Heck, tug even harder on them until you are exposed and forced to shed the old.
Put on something new! Or maybe just take the old threads and make them into something beautiful and unexpected! It all depends on what you need! I know I’m ready for either! And I am so thankful for friends to unravel with! Friends who hold my threads as thay fall…
Now I just need to learn how to knit or better yet, buy myself a multi-layered weaving loom!
Question for the day…What is the difference between Ravel and Unravel??? Have you ever thought about it?
According to Merriam-Webster.com,
unravel means to disengage or separate the threads of; or to resolve the intricacy, complexity, or obscurity of: clear up. On the other hand, ravel is to separate or undo the texture of; to undo the intricacies of; to become unwoven, untwisted, or unwound.
Do either my dear friends, but do it in your best undies! B
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