Story says…The Black Madonna was painted by St. Luke The Evangelist; and it was while painting the picture, Mary told him about the life of Jesus, which he later incorporated into his gospel. The next time we hear of the painting is in 326 A.D. when St. Helen found it in Jerusalem and gave it to her son and had a shrine built for it in Constantinople. Finally, it was transferred to a church in Czestochowa, Poland. There, The Black Madonna (Matka Boska) was acclaimed Queen of Poland by King Casimir. In many places, through several owners, during battles and sieges, her presence is reported to have protected her faithful. There have been stories for centuries of miraculous events surrounding those who made the journey to see the portrait. It is known as “The Black Madonna” because of the soot residue that discolors the painting, which is the result of centuries of prayers offered with votive lights and candles burning in front of the painting….
Confirmation of the power of prayer!
In His Son’s name, our Father hears every whisper!
Please whisper loudly for Philip and Bobby this week....
I pray them blessing enough, B
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