Thursday, December 10, 2020

GraceReclaimed 2020 Christmas Trunk Show...Cancelled!

Good Day my beautiful friends and precious clients
As much as I hated to do it,
my 2020 Christmas Trunk Show had to be cancelled!

 No need to bore you with the many reasons!

It was originally posted as a
 GraceReclaimed Event
on facebook (still trying to break up ;) 
In case you didn't notice, I removed the event and posted this little pic, hoping all would see!

So in case you missed it ~
 Or maybe you were wondering where your personal evite was ~
The song repeats...
It's just a different kind of Christmas this year!

I will miss having you all in my home,
I will miss seeing your smiling faces and
I will miss sharing a bit of Christmas with you!
It would have made this season so much brighter!!

Just remember
The one thing that has not and will not ever change
 is the reason we celebrate...

Sweet baby Jesus! 

So my prayer is to see you in the new year
and that through it all,
You will remember and let your whole life sing His song!

Most sincerely and in His great gracious care, B


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Welcome to my Blog Too or Two!

Oh my heavens, what a chore!  If you're here following the trail from facebook, Welcome!                                                                                                                      (purposely small and insignificant)

So if you aren't receiving my blog post in your email and you are interested in tagging along, it will be necessary for you to FOLLOW BY EMAIL!



Until now, most of you, I think, read my blog post when I share the link on my GraceReclaimed page there...Not going to be sharing there anymore.  We are breaking up ;)

Follow by Email Steps:

1. Type your email in Follow by Email box (top right or bottom of page, either works!) 

2. You may get an automatic pop-up to confirm your subscription from FeedBurner.  

3. Or you will receive an email from requiring activation!!!

4. Please follow the path, your design life may depend on it, just kidding!  Would love to see you there!

Hopefully it will be worth the steps and the move.  I only post on here once in a while and as much as I'd like to be a writer when I grow up; I think I'll stick to design creativity!  

I'll try not to bombard you with insignificant posts.  Always hoping to inspire and encourage!  I think we could all use some inspiring and some encouraging of late.

Thankful you're here!

Just B

Friday, November 13, 2020

Welcome all you weary people...

Wow what a year...

Wow what a year like this does to people...Are you weary? I know I am!

Wow what truth comes to light...definitely reveals who you can count on, thankful for so many of you!

Our family has been challenged like many, with job loss (my oldest ~ but again employed!), transition (our teacher couple ~ slaying it!), quarantine to base (our youngest ~ finally saw him in October!) and you know, just dealing with the "new normal",  goodness I hate that term.


But I am also forever grateful and praising our Heavenly Father, for we are all healthy & faring well!

YES I am weary, but always hopeful.  I pray the same for you, every last one of you!

This blogger platform is an area of social media I'm still fond of, but as usual ignore during my "designing months".  And yes, thank goodness, I've been working quite steadily on two major new builds; one on Lake Conroe, one just around the corner in Tomball with a few other projects scattered in and keeping me busy.  

Just a few pics for now.  On the Lake...

And just around the corner, well maybe two...

"Busy is good, right?", says the supposed to be retiring me ~ "Maybe next year", she responds.

So here it is, a bit past my usual Trunk Show planning and announcing time and I'm thinking maybe I can cram in one last show, one last sharing of the beautiful Christmas Season.  Of course the sensible side of me (yes there is on :) speaks up and says "Are you Crazy?"  RESPONSE UNNECESSARY! 

So this may go down as the Last Year that Wasn't!  DarndeCovid!!   

Forever HOPEFUL and most likely LAST MINUTE...If you are following the blog after my departure from good old FB...I might just pull one out of my Stocking Hat.

Stay tuned my precious people, stay well and have a wonderfully blessed Thanksgiving!

Hope to see you in December!!

Most sincerely and in His wonderfully gracious care, B

P.S.  If you would like to be added to the "possible" invite, please comment below with your email,  message me at or just put your email address in the Follow by email box on this page (top right or bottom of page...either works ;)  AND BE SURE TO CONFIRM YOUR SUBSCRIPTION WHEN YOU RECEIVE AN EMAIL FROM FEEDBURNER, pretty please!

Friday, January 3, 2020

New Year ~ Grace Upon Grace

2020, Day Three
  2019, you flew by at record pace! 
It all happened so fast~how on earth?  Ready or not here we are!

We welcomed the new year in with some great friends right here at the Old Charlton Place.

The plan was a driveway dance (no takers except St. P and me🎔),
a cozy fire, good food and great fun; all within safe driving distance for our guests!
We had a blast...
other than the game "Who am I" where everyone writes a character name on a sticky 
note then places it on the forehead of another, 
taking turns asking questions and trying to guess who they are!  
Some smarty pants wrote Belinda Abbott-Shaw 
and the antics ensued...all in good fun, RIGHT!
Oh well, I can handle it.  As a middle child my loving brother and sister
had me convinced I was adopted from a very young age!!
Anyone else have siblings like that? God love em.

So other than an few gray/thin haired pyro experts competing to see who could get the fire roaring the best, the night was the perfect way to usher in the New Year!

Did I say good food...of course!  Everyone brought some great appetizers!!
On the house menu,
(recipes requested so thought I'd share)
I tried my hand at
Garden & Gun's featured Hoppin' John (with a bit of improv of course)

 I also made one of our winter favorites 
 I got my original recipe from Moveovermartha (Robin)
 But borrowed this from Pinterest~DeepSouthDish
 It's the easiest and yummy!

I also made this...but didn't even get it out with all the other goodies!
(and since Coxey's Army did not show up :))
Sinfully delicious...

And so it was a happy happy New Year's celebration!
Praying for you all a 2020 full of blessings in slow motion....
I wish you peace and grace upon grace!

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, "Your God reigns!" 

Isaiah 52:7 

Most sincerely and in God's gracious care, B