Happy Christmastime friends!
Yes, it's me ~ believe it or not!
And so it is almost 12 days until the GraceReclaimed 2019 Christmas Trunk Show!
December 14th
Just took me a while to commit, imagine that?!
Thank you for your patience and graciousness!
So in the spirit of twelve days...I'll be making my list, checking it twice and counting down.
On this 3rd day of December, my true love gave to me, a partridge in a snowy wreath!
Well, actually it was the very talented Cami Boyett...I bought it and still love it!
Well, actually it was the very talented Cami Boyett...I bought it and still love it!
But let's focus on the true meaning
and begin the season with this beautiful thought!
and begin the season with this beautiful thought!
There is nothing like knowing you are under the grace of God and that His hand and favor rests on you, not because of what you have done for Him, but because of what He has done for you through that little baby born
2,000 years ago.
~Touching Lives with James Merrit~
“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. . . . For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. John 1:14-17
Stay tuned my precious friends and clients for special info and sneak peeks!
In His loving and gracious care
Most sincerely, B