The ability
to speak or write well & in an effective way,
inspirationgift of gab!
Several years
ago an old and dear friend set up a beautiful website for myself and another
friend who decided to start a “little decorative pillow making and fiber art business”.
At the same time the website friend
suggested that one or both of us start blogging to draw attention to "SeventhJoy".
I took her direction and jumped into the
blogging part wholeheartedly. Just
hoping and praying that someone might read my ramblings… regardless of my lack
of eloquent writing ability.
Fast forward
to 2014, website and little 7thJoy dissolved… (let’s just say, we ran out of
stuffing!), and I’m still blogging along with a few sweet & faithful
followers as GraceReclaimed!
So you might
ask, Why keep writing?
I know without
being told that there are many who write with more beautiful eloquence and
poetic wanderlust than I. The words so smooth, clear, and powerful that their
posts can’t arrive fast enough. And there
are a multitude of blogs by spirit filled writers I admire for their faith,
knowledge and devotion. Their
inspirational thoughts cause me to fall in love with God’s word even more
deeply. I can only dream of writing such…..
Still I write
my elementary gifted gab about simple experiences, pretty things, design stuff,
family love, all with an occasional attempt to share the beauty of
amazing grace.
So I guess I
write for two reasons,
to remind myself of blessings that abound if I just open
my eyes wide...
and to share things I love and find inspiring so that other may be reminded too!
And maybe
just maybe, if for no one else, my boys and my grandbabes; might have a bit of
me documented in time, to read if they choose or when they can. Just in case, what I love and cherish somehow
blossoms in whom they become.
All this to
say, thanks to those who take the time to read!
I am blessed that you stop by and I receive your comments with true delight! There is just something about knowing what I
share is truly SHARED! You are a Gift!
Hoping your
March is leading to an abundant and full of grace April! B