Monday, September 17, 2012

Breathing Again...

                                                                                                         Play the music if you please>>>>>>>

I’ll spare you the details, but the Shaw family has come through yet another “transition” with God’s grace!  As if it wasn’t enough to be sending one son off to college, moving the youngest to a new high school, putting the “Old Charlton House” on the market, etc…..
St. Philip is back in town.  No more commuting, hallelujah!  And back to work, Amen!

As I sit quietly in my office, comfychairinthelivingroomwithlaptopanddeanmartinmusac

I am again reminded of God’s provision. Breathing in the quiet of this old house and the gift of setting my own schedule whether work or play, back to my blessed normal!

And of course making my list and checking it twice, but then I realize!

It’s mid-September already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why is it that the month of September always catches me by surprise?  I’m sweating through the summer thinking I have so much time before the fall rush starts, aimlessly sauntering back into a scheduled routine, then bam!  August rushes out the door, September sneaks in and the panic creeps in.
OMgoodness, the holidays are approaching!  Ideas abound, homes need refreshing, the workroom gets busy, appointment book fills…..and so it goes!!

And just in case you were wondering, the 7thJoy Trunk-work has begun as well.  Little tiny creatures have a bold winter coat and wait to be placed on one of our special gifts of the season.


Robin is somewhere near Nova Scotia as I write, on her last hoorah before the hours of joyful creation take over our lives and minds.  

On the road, longest covered bridge in the world... Hartland, New Brunswick
Praying for safe travels for her…for several reasons, but most importantly, I can’t do this thing alone.  Each year, we question our sanity, taking so much on during the holiday season, and each year we spend a couple of spring days discussing whether to commit to another Trunk Show or just commit each other!  
And our crazy selves always come around to the final decision, why not?…Trunk Show it is!

So keep your calendars open Friday November 16th….our tentative, almost certain 7thJoy Trunk Show date!  We can’t wait to share our crazy creations and goings on with you all once more!

Breathing in the Joy, breathing out the panic, B