It's funny, the stories we hear from past residents of this 70 year old house. The saltbox structure was built by George L. Charlton, a prominent Judge in Tomball, Texas. The history and original hardwood floors were what sold us!
Not so much the hideous green tile bathroom and the stories of haunting!!!
Added onto in the late 60’s, It has had a few owners, most with children or teens having big imaginations…but the tales never cease and they are always interesting,,,
Some tell stories of lights mysteriously shutting off upstairs, a tall underwear clad gentleman appearing nightly in the study, and most recently, a comment that a little lady spirit sits in my front living area…as long as she doesn't get my chair, I'm fine with that! HHMMM,What to believe???
Well, I never put much store in this kind of thing, but as we live near a community museum which has had stories published about being haunted, I guess they could be visiting ghostly neighbors!
So far, no poltergeist experiences by the Shaw household and that is after 9 years of mostly peaceful habitation; not withstanding the frigged air of an old home in winter, the creaking floors or an occasional strange noise. Oh yes, the thought of the house being haunted, does make us look at every unexplained happening with question and there have been a few, but so far-so good…. IF there are ghosts, they must be closely related to Casper!
Or maybe it’s just that this home is filled with blessing enough and most of the time, JOY! After all, teenagers do still live here….
And because of that; rest has finally come to 400 Epps St.!