Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Weekend Snag, better late than never….

Back to reality from my extended vacation in the extremely cool Pagosa Springs.  
It has taken me a hardheaded while to come to the realization that I still live in this unforgivingly hot and sultry Texas!
And even though I’ve been here since I was eleven and I love it …
Gaud, it seems hotter now!
Speaking of heat,
St. Philip and I spent this past Sunday afternoon in a tiny home nestled amongst giants in West U at an Esweat Sale, thanks to the feels like 103 degree temps…
all for these treasures.

I know what you are thinking...what on earth?
Let's just say, I've got some crazy ideas for this year's GraceReclaimed Trunk Show!
The sink is actually going to the Shaw Family Farm.
The chair "an absolute steal" has great bones
and the vintage garden fencing, just wait and see!
This wild and whimsical bed, I'm still pondering on it!!!!
And if you caught a glimpse of the old cement urn just to the right of the top pic,
 it has a mate! 
Bought them dirt and all for pennies on the dollar. 
St. Philip had to clean them out for transport, on the spot, in that 103 temperature! Why I always come home...
Gracefully undeserving, B


  1. I love all your finds - but I am DIGGING that bed! :) We love our St. Philip .... love you, too!

    1. And I would love to see what you could do with that bed! Yes we you back! Stay cool!
