Friday, October 25, 2013

Confusion and Loose Springs......

If I haven't lost you yet...thought I'd share a little project I’m working on for the up and coming GraceReclaimed Tag Sale…..
 It’s well known that my springs are a little loose……. 
But I get a little crazy crazier this time of year; cool weather shows its beautiful self and I start thinking about the holidays and what I need/have to do to ready myself.   And each year I promise myself that I will be organized, diligent, methodical, and careful not to rush through it.  I will not over commit, overdo, or overlook any moment!   A well intentioned goal! 

This year the Sale is requiring me to do some cleaning and clearing out of cobwebs ….in my home, garage, and brain!   How did all this “stuff” get here and what made me think I needed to hang onto it.   I think we are all guilty of hanging onto things and thoughts that we should not!
So I’m busy beeing, making this girl a new coat….
And focusing on the last lines of the serenity prayer!
“Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time, accepting hardship as a pathway to peace, taking as Jesus did this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His will so that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him forever in the next.
Amen and in God's Grace, B

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

GraceReclaimed Alfresco.....

Please forgive the confusion and repost....if you have already received this GraceReclaimed post.  I'm having some issues with my Blog Host, they aren't playing very nicely,
so it's back to good old blogger....please bear with me!!!

Cooler weather is here (for now)! Is anyone else elated, giddy, ecstatic, overjoyed?? ….Well you get my cool drift!  Happy October ya’ll! 

And to welcome fall and the fast approaching holiday season, I am excited to announce a new happening, 7thJoy inspired, but way different!   

It’s the Grace Reclaimed Alfresco Sale!   

After several years of wonderful 7thJoy Trunk shows with my friend and cohort, Robin McKay and few other special friends and artisans, a break was in order 

But me, being the ever wondering mind, creative wanna be busier that I need to self; I just had to come up with something to change up the routine and continue to celebrate creativity. 

Thus, GraceReclaimed and.... 

The 1st GraceReclaimed Al Fresco Sale! 

On my own, as a designer/home stylist for the last 19 years, I’ve come across some wonderful one of a kind things, amazing finds, a “few” extra chairs and pieces I just never had the chance to use or wasn’t willing to let go. 

Well it’s time ~ time to start letting go, time to start clearing out and time to start gracefully sharing some of those things….. 

So I'm reclaiming, repurposing, refurbishing, reworking, repainting, revamping or simply selling a plethora of things from my hoarding designer stash!

The sale will include new and old furniture, accessories, lighting and soft goods; as well as holiday & seasonal décor, plus a few 7thJoy second chance items!

Maybe even some treasures from 1 or 2 guest participants!

    So mark your calendars for,

  Saturday, November 16th , 9:00 - 4:00

  400 Epps, Tomball, Tx 77375

The Old Charlton House Grounds 

Put your GRACE on and come claim a few things for yourself!

… only and carry immediately please!

This sale will be by invitation only, via this blog, facebook friends and Pingg past 7thJoyTrunkShow loyals.    

Feel free to bring guests, but I kindly ask that all attendees print and wear this name tag or wear the word GRACE somewhere on your person


My hope is to make this a repeat event with a variety of friends/participants/artisans, so if you would like to join the next sale, email me for details! 

Watch the blog, grace reclaimed peeks to follow!!!

Can’t wait to see you! 

In God’s Gracious Care, Belinda Abbott-Shaw