Thursday, July 30, 2009

Too Many Pillows

.........DISCLAIMER, THIS IS NOT MY BED, just in the shop!!!

A new day, God has spoken a new JOY!
Have you ever wondered how many people make their beds in the morning when they get up…
have you ever wondered why men think one extra pillow is too many??
Well, if I am honest, it is not something I do everyday, but most days I do, just because I love getting into a perfectly made up bed in the evening; it reminds me that the day is done, warmth and softness await me, kind of like I imagine the arms of God. (And trust me, I have been looking forward to resting in those arms this last week!)
When I pull back the covers, I am thankful that I took the time to make it in the previous a.m. hour. There is just something different about getting into those smooth and straightened layers that make for a more peaceful end to the day. Crazy huh?
Some may question why so much thought could be put into this daily ritual, this normal activity, but it is like everything else we should be thankful for in our day to day lives, a place to lay our heads, a safe and comfortable place, unlike many others in the world, especially all the men and women who are serving our country with little or no comforts when it comes time to rest.
I am so grateful for their sacrifice.
Maybe because my nephew was one of those brave servants for two years, one in Afghanistan and one in Iraq. We are so blessed by his safe return and the fact that he now lays his head comfortably at home with his wife and precious son in Brenham, Texas.
And as I unmake my bed at night, I am reminded of how glad I am that my sister can lay her head down, knowing he is finally home and I am glad for the simple blessings of everyday life and for the JOY of pillows.

Yes, those pillows that my husband says we have too many of and I gladly place back on the bed each morning, just because I can!
Thinking of our troops in the heat of this summer and their lack of simple comforts and praying them enough! b

Monday, July 27, 2009

Hands clasped, on my knees, but no words!

This is where I find myself!

Jeremiah 29
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your favorite part of this scripture!

It is when I forget this passage and start thinking that God is somewhere else, that surely he has forgotten me,

it is when I stop seeking with all my heart, that I cease to feel JOY.

so I am praying that this is where the mighty work begins....

When we finally come to a place where the difficulties become so bad, where we've reached our limit, where we've tried everything and exhausted all our options, it is then that God begins a mighty work through us: "I know, even though you are temporarily harassed by all kinds of trials and temptations. This is no accident—it happens to prove your faith, which is infinitely more valuable than gold" 1 Peter 1:6-7.

I pray us all enough!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

In this Life

“Our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters our lives and we become like him” (2 Corinthians 3:18b MSG).
My life became brighter almost 17 yeas ago, when this man entered into it. I can honestly say that he is more like Christ than any person I have ever met. Trust me, he is no God, he is a simple, sometimes goofy, normal guy who is devoted to his family and is proof that good and godly men do still exist! It is not his knowledge of the Bible or his strict beliefs or practices that make him Godly; it is merely the pure unconditional love he shows us that make him godlike! Almost always patient, hardly ever demanding, and absolutley never expects more than he is willing to give or do himself. He is dealing today with a crisis, something that may take all his strength and more. If I can only be that more! But he is handling it with the enormous strength, calm and resolve that I have seen in him throughout our years together. As our family depends on God for our future, we pray and trust that God will shine on him because he is truly a man after God's own heart! A man who fills my heart and life with, you guessed it, JOY!

Monday, July 13, 2009

JOY Personified

Late May, for four days, I had this precious boy while his parents took an anniversary trip to New York. This picture is the true JOY that came forth at the sight of his parents after we had explained repeatedly to his two year old understanding that, "Mommy and Daddy had gone on an airplane and they would be back tomorrow". I started telling this little white lie on Thursday the first day he had never been away from them for more than a night. And this GramB had never been brave enough to keep him for that period either. He sleeps through the night alot these days, but not always, enough said! Little did I know the adventure I had agreed to when I told my oldest son, Tyler that I would be glad to help keep him while they took a much needed trip together!

His other grandmother was out of town, so I was blessed with him for four nights and as many days. I can't express how much I enjoyed our time and finally being able to have my grandson spend not one night, but four. After a couple of sleepless ones, more me worrying about him, than him not sleeping, we made it...restful sleep from 9:30 to blessed daylight. It felt wonderful, an accomplishment only a new parent or an anxious grandparent can appreciate.

But the greatest of all was watching this precious baby light up at the sight of his parents in the baggage terminal at the airport. We went to meet them, merely thinking it would help him understand that his parents had gone on a trip and they were indeed returning, so he could wrap his little head around it. I never knew how watching him overflow with delight would overflow me! Joy personified!!

It did take him a few days to adjust, he hesitated at my door for a while, thinking his parent's might leave him for days again. I hated that, but this GramB is anxiously awaiting their next trip! Hmmmm, what creative inspiration might this bring! A security pillow with Mommy and Daddy's faces on it?????

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Carol's Fork

If you haven't ever heard the "keep your fork story" should google it! It's a wonderful story about anticipating Heaven like a great dessert. The kind of dessert you look forward to after a wonderful church potluck dinner or any dinner for that matter, enjoyed with friends and family, knowing the best is yet to come! This story was read at the memorial service of a dear friend who would be turning 55 this month if not for losing her battle with Cancer a little over a year ago. Although she did lose her battle, she never lost her fight or her faith in the midst of her trials. During the last two years of her life, with each test, treatment and transfusion, I witnessed a wonderful transformation. Instead of fading she became more brilliant. In her weakness God's strength could be seen, her thin face shown with the love of Christ, and she was filled with his spirit which carried her to the end. It was so painful yet so amazing to watch. In this month of July, I celebrate her life and a friendship that I will never forget, knowing she is now enJOYing her wonderful dessert and that yes, the best is truly yet to come! We should all be holding our forks with eager anticipation....b

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Cherished Son(s)

Luke 1:30-31
“And the angel said unto her,
Fear not, Mary; for thou has found
favour with God. And, behold thou
shalt conceive in thy womb, and
bring forth a son, and shalt call his
name JESUS.”

Imagine if all the women in the world
would trust God as Mary did…
the abundant blessings and joy we
could bring forth!

7th Joy, 2008

Six days into a vacation at home without my 13 and 15 year old boys in the house (they're hiking in Colorado with their Dad, the oldest of my four boys), I realize that their presence in my life is more cherished than I can express. The noise, the fights, the constant picking up of dirty socks and food wrappers is not such an annoyance....At my age, sometimes I think I should be an empty-nester by now, relaxing at a spa or taking romantic vacations with my husband. What was I thinking having more children so close to 40...And how old will I be, not to mention feel, when I get my last through college???!!!! But I realize today that they give my life such JOY, the joy that only God could give by entrusting us with his new creations. As I am reminded that my exceptional 27 year old son, soon to be a father of two himself, is nearing the age that as history tells us Mary lost Jesus; I can't fathom the short time allowed her to love and cherish her son. And I am extremely thankful for the many years that I have ahead of me to watch my boys grow and live wonderful lives, no matter my age, the noise, or the inevitable arguments. Motherhood, however difficult at times, is a true blessing, an opportunity to recognize that even dirty socks are a reminder of God's love.... NOW, Sunday when they return and I open the bags of dirty hiking clothes, food wrappers and you can bet, filthy socks, I'll need to reread this blog and remind myself of this love, without a doubt!!! b